Realizing what we take for granted- points to a Divine Creator

Loyal Encourager:

I have only missed 4 days of work in 10 years. 2 of which have occured in the last 4 months.  Despite the flu shot, I developed the flu.

I also had a sore throat that despite antibiotics went to sinus infection and then right lower lobe pneumonia. I had some issues with things I normally don’t even think about.

Not specific to my illness, but lets look at 4 items

  1. The ability to swallow.  Have you seen someone who chokes even swallowing liquids?  They can easily aspirate and get pneumonia. Yet, even as an infant we swallow correctly. You wouldn’t have had time to evolve this trait- We would have all died off first. Instead an Intelligent Design by and Intelligent Designer makes so much more sense.
  2. The ability to balance. Look up- semicircular canals. They look like a snails back and you have 3 pairs of them each at 45 degree angles from each other. The fluid and where it is shows your mind where you are in “space.” Ever seen anyone with vertigo where a small calcium crystal broke off and is floating in the canal. The person cannot even walk. Again, Intelligent Designer.
  3. The ability to breath/ ability for your heart to beat. Your body does these two things constantly without thinking about it. Imagine trying to sleep and having to remember to breathe and have your heart beat You couldn’t do it. A Divine Creator Could Design it.
  4. Digestion.  Again, when messed up you are looking at diarrhea or constipation yet the body knows how fast to move the food through your body. You don’t have to think about this

Just the 4 items above sporadically occurring is well beyond chance. I did not even go into red blood cells taking up oxygen and letting it go at the right part of your body, body heat, metabolism and on and on.


O.k. now if the prior doesn’t convince you, lets look at some “creatures” in creation.  First, the bombardier beetle. Realize, it  does not blow itself up. Yet, somehow it ejects two chemical from its body- like a flame thrower, that on contact can kill an opponent.

Lets look at the giraffe. The amount of pressure to pump blood up a giraffe’s neck when in the air would give it a stroke when lowering its head down. Yet, study carefully the design and you will see why this doesn’t occur. Incredible.  I could go on!!!!!

Job 12:7-10

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