The Mirage in the Mirror
The following was used by permission from authorĀ Shaun Jester
The Mirage in the Mirror is a daily devotional written in 2008 by Christian Doctor Shaun Jester obstetrician and gynecologist from life experiences in residency and fresh out of residency during 2000-2006.
While the following is in more of a rough draft format rather than a polished ready to publish book- it is Shaun Jesters hope that you will look past obvious grammatical issues and instead allow the Lord to use the devotionals to be a daily blessing to you.
All Bible verses are in the New International Version.
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The Mirage in the Mirror
In the desert one sees water that doesn’t exist- that water is futile to hope in. In life the devil sends mirages to destroy esteem or to lead you to have false hope. Only Christ gives the Living Water and can help you recognize the MIRAGE IN THE MIRROR. Its my prayer at the end of one year of study, prayer, and writing letters to Jesus you will SEE.
I Corinthians 13:12
Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
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